His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, on Tuesday issued a new Law providing a clear set of rules and procedures for the registration and enforcement of foreign Wills in the Dubai Courts.
Law No.15 of 2017 regulates Wills, Inheritance and Probate matters. The new Law seeks to eliminate any remaining uncertainty on the subject by providing a clear legal framework for non-Muslim expatriates to draft and register a Will which will be recognised and upheld in both the Dubai Courts and DIFC Courts. The commentary surrounding the new Law also clarifies that any pre-registered non-Muslim Wills in both the Dubai and DIFC Courts will remain valid after its enactment.
In light of the new Law, many non-Muslim expatriates are taking fresh advice on how best to put a new Will in place or update their existing Wills.
Davidson & Co are here to help and advise on any matters related to wills and inheritance. For advice and more information please get in touch with our resident private client expert, Victoria Smylie at vsmylie@davidsoncolaw.com